
MARPOL ANNEX II Pre-Wash Persistent Floaters

Persistent floaters and the new legislation

As of January 1st 2021, the MARPOL legislation regarding persistent floaters – named natural substances from vegoil, paraffin up to animal fat and more – changed significantly.

The amendment to MARPOL Annex II includes a new definition on a so-called ‘persistent floater’. Substances classified as persistent floaters are defined by having a viscosity equal to or greater than 50 mPa.s at 20°C and/or with a melting point ≥0°C as identified by section 16.2.7 and in column ‘o’ of Chapter 17 of the amended IBC Code. 

CIMS Renewables, part of the CIMS Group, handles your pre-washings to the highest standards and within full compliance. We provide a unique circular and sustainable solution, turning oil waste into feedstock for biofuel.  

What does this mean for you and your vessels transporting these persistent floaters?

This new legislation has a major impact on vessel’s operations and time spend in the port of discharge. Due to the amendments to MARPOL Annex II, if you are  transporting persistent floating products vessels are now obliged to perform a mandatory pre-wash of their cargo tanks after unloading and need to dispose of the washings to a licensed port reception facility before departure. 

Sustainability first

From the accumulated pre-washes, we extract oil fractions, while the washing water is recycled in the water treatment plant. The regained oil waste goes to the Quatra factory, where the oil waste quality is improved. 

This feedstock is used at biorefineries to create sustainable biofuel, helping reduce CO₂ emissions. Our approach offers you a genuinely sustainable and circular solution.

Time-efficient solution

CIMS Netherlands is fully operational for all vessels with persistent floaters in the ARA region. We are able to customize all your pre-wash handling and collection requests in the quickest way possible.

As time is scarce, we offer a time saving solution to quickly dispose of your pre-washings in full compliance with the new legislation.

24/7 assistance

Are you looking to save time and apply to all MARPOL regulations while benefiting the environment? Call us for more information or a customized proposal. We handle all your pre-wash requests. Our team is available 24/7.

CIMS Renewables


+31 (0)10 3225 125
