
Transfrontier Shipment (TFS)


Transfrontier Shipment

Transfrontier shipment of waste is subject to national and international legislation and regulations.

CIMS Netherlands not only finds the best and most sustainable treatment for your waste, but will assist and guide you through the complex application process for a TFS.

Once the application is approved by all authorities involved, CIMS Netherlands is at your disposal as far as operational and further administrative handling is concerned.

CIMS Netherlands offers

  • sustainable treatment of your waste via one of Europe’s most advanced treatment plants ATM
  • priority access to storage capacity ashore due to unique partnership with ATM
  • complete processing of your request and TFS application
  • knowledge and experienced people on board
  • coverage of complete operational and administrative processing.
  • support of a CIMS surveyor on board
  • contact with relevant authorities